Home » Can I Take My Airsoft Gun From England to Ireland? – Crossing the Pond

Can I Take My Airsoft Gun From England to Ireland? – Crossing the Pond

Airsoft is a fun and exciting activity that has gained popularity worldwide, but taking airsoft guns across international borders requires careful consideration of laws and regulations. For airsoft enthusiasts traveling from England to Ireland, understanding the rules and restrictions surrounding airsoft guns’ transportation is crucial to avoid legal consequences. This article will guide you through the essential information you need to know before traveling with your airsoft gun to Ireland.

If you’re a fan of airsoft, you might be wondering whether you can take your airsoft gun from England to Ireland. After all, airsoft guns are a popular recreational activity and it can be disappointing to leave your equipment behind when traveling. However, it’s important to understand the restrictions and regulations surrounding airsoft guns when crossing international borders. This blog post aims to provide you with the information you need to know before attempting to take your airsoft gun from England to Ireland.

1. Be Aware of the Restrictions

If you are planning to take your airsoft gun from England to Ireland, it is important to be aware of the restrictions related to airsoft guns in Ireland. According to the Firearms Act 1925, all airsoft guns are considered firearms in Ireland, and it is illegal to import, sell or possess airsoft guns without a firearms license. Therefore, if you want to take your airsoft gun to Ireland, you must first obtain a firearms license from the relevant authorities in Ireland.

It is advisable to do some research and contact the Irish National Police Service (Garda Síochána) or the Irish Shooting Sports Association to get more information on the licensing process and requirements for owning an airsoft gun in Ireland. Failing to comply with the Irish firearms laws could result in serious consequences and legal penalties, so it is crucial to be aware of the restrictions before attempting to bring your airsoft gun from England to Ireland.

2. Check With the Airlines

If you are planning to travel from England to Ireland with your airsoft gun, it is important to check with the airlines first. Not all airlines allow passengers to transport airsoft guns as part of their luggage. Even if they do, there may be strict guidelines on how to pack and declare the gun to comply with safety regulations.

Failing to comply with the airline’s rules and regulations can lead to the gun being confiscated, and in some cases, the security authorities may also be called in, which can result in legal consequences for the passenger. Therefore, it is highly recommended to check with the airline before traveling and to provide all necessary documentation regarding the airsoft gun. This should be done well in advance of your travel dates to avoid any confusion or last-minute complications.

3. Pack It Properly

When transporting an airsoft gun from England to Ireland, it is essential to pack it properly to ensure its safe and legal transportation. The first step is to empty the gun of all ammunition and remove the battery. Next, disassemble the gun if possible and pack each part separately to prevent damage during travel. If disassembly is not possible, cover the gun securely with a protective material, such as bubble wrap, to prevent any scratches or dings.

Additionally, research the airline’s policies on transporting firearms before the journey and ensure that the gun is in compliance with both UK and Irish laws. Proper packing of the airsoft gun is crucial to avoid any potential damage to the gun during travel and to comply with the legal requirements for air transport.

4. Consider the Restrictions

When considering taking your airsoft gun from England to Ireland, it is important to consider any restrictions and regulations in both countries. In England, airsoft guns are considered realistic imitation firearms (RIFs) and are heavily regulated by the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006. As such, they can only be purchased and used by those who are 18 years of age or older and have a valid defense under the act.

In Ireland, airsoft guns fall under the Firearms Act 1925-2015, which requires a valid firearms license to be obtained before an airsoft gun can be legally possessed or used. It is crucial to keep these restrictions in mind when traveling with your airsoft gun, as failure to comply with these regulations can result in legal repercussions. It is recommended to do thorough research beforehand and consult with appropriate authorities to ensure compliance and avoid any potential issues.

5. Have the Proper Documentation

If you are planning on traveling with your airsoft gun from England to Ireland, it is important to have the proper documentation. The first thing you should do is check the laws and regulations regarding airsoft guns in both countries. If you are unsure about the laws, it is advisable to contact the relevant authorities to avoid any legal issues.

Once you have confirmed that it is legal to travel with your airsoft gun, make sure to pack it safely and securely in a proper gun case. Additionally, you will need to bring a valid photo ID and proof of ownership for your airsoft gun. This documentation should include a serial number, purchase receipt, or any other relevant documents that prove ownership. It is always better to be over-prepared when it comes to regulations and laws, so make sure you have all the necessary documentation before you embark on your journey.

6. Declare Your Airsoft Gun

If you’re planning to take your airsoft gun from England to Ireland, it’s important to understand the regulations involved. Firstly, it’s important to declare your airsoft gun when traveling by ferry, train, or plane. In Ireland, airsoft guns are classified under the Firearms Act of 1925, which means they are considered firearms and require a firearms certificate, even if they are bought as toys.

However, airsoft guns with a muzzle energy below the legal limit of 1 joule are exempt from this requirement. It’s important to ensure that your airsoft gun does not exceed this limit to avoid any legal issues. Additionally, it’s recommended to contact the transport provider in advance to ensure they accept airsoft guns, as some may have stricter regulations or may not allow them at all.

7. Prepare Additional Documentation

Before taking your airsoft gun from England to Ireland, it’s essential to prepare additional documentation to ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey. The first and foremost document you should carry is your passport, which must be valid for the entirety of your trip. Next, ensure that you have a valid reason for carrying the airsoft gun to Ireland, such as participating in an airsoft tournament or visiting an airsoft range.

You may also want to confirm with the airline or transportation authority that you plan to use for any additional documentation requirements they might have. In addition to the above, it’s essential to gather all necessary documents related to your airsoft gun, such as purchase receipts, registration certificates, and licenses, and ensure that they are up-to-date and valid. By preparing all of these additional documents beforehand, you’ll be well-prepared and confident in crossing the border from England to Ireland with your airsoft gun.


If you are planning to take your airsoft gun from England to Ireland, it is crucial to do your research and adhere to the rules and regulations set out by both countries. Although airsoft guns are not classified as firearms in the UK or Ireland, they can still pose a threat and should be treated with caution. To avoid any legal issues or complications, make sure to contact the relevant authorities, follow the guidelines, and ensure that your airsoft gun is stored securely and transported safely.