Home » Real-life Examples of How Visual Regression Testing has Helped Companies Identify and Resolve UI Issues

Real-life Examples of How Visual Regression Testing has Helped Companies Identify and Resolve UI Issues

Visual testing is essential to ensure that software products meet the aesthetic specifications specified by clients regarding functional and non-functional requirements.

Users expect a visually pleasing and seamless online experience in today’s highly competitive digital landscape. Visual testing (automated UI or visual testing) verifies the accuracy and usability of visual elements.

Visual regression testing can incorporated into the software validation process to ensure that products meet user expectations. This will also help enterprises avoid the negative effects of a poorly designed user interface.

Gartner forecasts that by 2026, visual AI-powered scan tools will identify 80-90% detectable accessibility issues. This is a significant improvement over the current 40-60% rate.

This blog explores why visual testing has become a key component in enterprise app development.

What Is Visual Regression Testing & Why Is It Important?

What Is Visual Regression Testing & Why Is It Important

To achieve a seamless integration of functionality and a pleasing user interface, developers and testers must constantly communicate throughout the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle).

This ensures the software meets the functional requirements and offers a user-friendly experience. Visual testing is important for many reasons. Delivering software with a high-quality user interface and a top-notch product is especially necessary.

Let us see some key reasons why visual testing is considered necessary.

UX Assurance

It ensures the UI is designed to meet the specifications and provides a positive user experience. These design specs include the layout, colors, fonts, and images that should be displayed.

Cross-Browser and Cross-Device Compatibility

The developed application may work well on a certain OS, device, and browser but fails to render the same UI on other browsers and devices, such as desktops and tablets. This method ensures your application functions and looks the same across all platforms.

Localization and Internationalization

Developing software to be used by a global audience ensures that the UI element text is displayed correctly and the application can be localized or translated into different languages and regions.

Regression Testing

Changes in the code can cause issues to arise and affect the visual appearance of the software. Visual regression tests help identify bugs and ensure that recent changes or bugs don’t introduce visible defects.

Speeding Up Testing Cycles

The traditional approach to testing involves manual testing, which takes a lot of time. Automated Visual Testing is a faster way to test and verify the visual aspects.


Visual testing is a way to verify that an application meets accessibility standards. This helps to ensure that all individuals with disabilities can use the application and that visual elements are presented so that accessibility features are supported.

Hence, maintaining the quality and consistency of software applications is crucial for customer satisfaction. It allows for the early identification of visual issues and their resolution, reducing the likelihood of end-users identifying defects after the release of the software.

How Visual Regression Testing Has Helped Companies Identify and Resolve UI Issues

How Visual Regression Testing Has Helped Companies Identify and Resolve UI Issues

Visual regression testing is a vital part of software development. It helps companies to identify and fix UI problems before they reach the end users.

Visual regression testing is a powerful tool to help companies find and fix UI issues.

Early Detection of Visual Discrepancies

Visual regression testing is critical for the early detection of visual discrepancies. The primary goal is to detect unintended software applications or website changes at the earliest stage of development or updating. This proactive approach involves systematically reviewing screenshots of the interface before and following modifications.

This allows for quickly detecting subtle discrepancies, such as misaligned items, color variations, or font inconsistencies.

Early detection of visual issues allows teams to address and correct them quickly, preventing problems from escalating and ensuring the user experience is polished and cohesive.

Visual regression testing is a crucial part of the development process and helps to deliver a high-quality and consistent user interface.

Consistency Across Platforms

Visual regression testing is crucial to achieving the goal of ensuring consistency across platforms. This involves systematically validating and assessing the visual appearances of user interfaces across different platforms, devices, and browsers.

Companies can identify and correct discrepancies that arise from differences in operating systems or browsers. Visual regression testing ensures consistency across platforms, crucial for a seamless user experience regardless of device or platform.

Streamlining Cross-browser Compatibility

Visual regression testing is essential to achieving cross-browser compatibility. It is difficult to ensure a consistent, error-free user experience in a digital world where people access websites using a variety of browsers.

Visual regression testing is the process of systematically comparing visual elements across different browsers to identify compatibility issues. This testing method uses image comparison algorithms and screenshots to detect differences in styling and rendering.

Visual regression testing streamlines cross-browser functionality and ensures the user interface is visually coherent, whether users access the site via Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. This proactive approach improves the reliability and usability of web applications across a wide range of browsers.

Integration with Continuous Integration (CI) Pipelines

Visual regression testing is an integral part of software development. It integrates seamlessly with the continuous integration pipeline. Visual regression testing can be integrated into the CI pipeline to automate the evaluation of visual elements within a software application.

This integration ensures visual tests are performed systematically and provides an early warning system for any unintended changes to the visual appearance introduced during development.

This results in an automated workflow that streamlines the visual aspects of user interfaces. It speeds up the development process and ensures a smooth and error-free experience for the user by detecting potential UI problems early on in the pipeline.

Enhancing Design Integrity

Visual regression testing helps companies maintain a professional and cohesive appearance in their digital products. It involves systematically comparing the visual elements of an interface before and after changes or updates, which allows for the early detection of subtle inconsistencies.

Visual regression testing ensures that the design adheres to brand guidelines and aesthetics. This results in a visually pleasing and polished user experience. This proactive approach reduces the likelihood of unintended changes, maintaining the design integrity of digital platforms while reinforcing the brand’s positive image.

Validation of Responsive Design

Visual regression testing is an important part of the web development process. It validates responsive design. Responsive Design aims to seamlessly adapt a website or app to different screen sizes and devices.

Visual regression testing takes screenshots of an application on different devices with various screen sizes. This allows developers to test the responsiveness of a user interface.

Teams can identify layout, styling, or content display issues by systematically comparing screenshots.

This proactive validation ensures the application delivers a consistent and visually appealing experience on various devices. It contributes to a positive user experience and effective usability within the dynamic landscape of digital platforms.

Managing Continuous Updates

Visual regression testing is an effective solution for managing continuous updates in dynamic digital environments. Visual regression testing is used by companies, particularly those that have a rapid release schedule, to manage the complexity of frequent software updates.

It involves comparing the visual appearances of key elements in the user interface before and after every update.

Visual regression testing automates this process to identify and correct unintended changes quickly.

This ensures a smooth, consistent user experience for each update. This proactive approach reduces the risk of introducing UI problems, streamlines the update management process, and boosts the reliability of digital goods for users.

Improved User Confidence and Satisfaction

Visual regression testing significantly increases user satisfaction and confidence in software development. Companies can ensure their user interfaces are consistent and polished by systematically detecting potential visual discrepancies and correcting them early in software development.

A seamless, visually coherent experience will make users trust the product or platform more. This confidence is essential in building positive perceptions of users, loyalty, and professionalism.

A visually consistent, aesthetically pleasing user interface instills reliability and attention to detail, ultimately enhancing satisfaction. Visual regression testing fosters user trust and creates a positive experience. It ensures that digital products are visually consistent.

Cost Savings Through Early Issue Detection

Visual regression testing can save a lot of money by detecting UI problems early in the development cycle. Early detection and correction of visual discrepancies can help companies avoid problems requiring extensive rework at later stages of development or even after deployment.

This proactive approach reduces the time and resources needed to resolve issues, leading to cost-effective development cycles. Visual regression testing is a preventive measure that helps avoid potential costs associated with UI issues at later stages of a development project.

Facilitating Collaboration Among Teams

Visual regression testing promotes collaboration between different teams in the development process. This collaboration is most evident in creating visual baselines and testing criteria. It also shows up when a shared understanding of UI expectations is expressed.

The developers, designers, and quality assurance teams should work together to ensure the visual aspects of an application align with the design specifications and meet the users’ expectations.

This collaborative approach improves communication, reduces misunderstandings, and fosters collective commitment toward delivering a visually pleasing and functionally sound interface.

Visual regression testing is a catalyst that promotes teamwork and contributes to the success of a project.

A few Examples of VRT

A few Examples of VRT

Here are a few real-life examples that show how visual regression tests have benefited businesses:


Shopify is a leading platform for e-commerce. It faced the challenge of maintaining its design integrity as its features and functionality evolved.

New features and refinements were made to remain competitive and meet changing customer and merchant needs. This created the risk of unintentional changes in the visual appearance.

Shopify’s continuous integration pipeline (CI) strategically integrated visual testing to address this challenge. The platform could compare its visual appearance before and after every update.

The seamless integration of the code changes during the development process resulted in a series of visual regression tests that rapidly detected unintended changes to the platform’s interface.

Shopify’s CI Pipeline has reaped significant benefits from integrating visual regression tests. One of the most significant outcomes was the ability to detect subtle design inconsistencies early on in the development process.

These inconsistencies could range from minor layout adjustments to color variations or font discrepancies–details that might go unnoticed through manual inspection but could significantly impact the overall look and feel of the platform.

Shopify’s merchants enjoyed a smooth and reliable interface by catching these design flaws early in the development cycle. This proactive approach contributed to a more pleasing online shopping experience and user confidence in Shopify’s professionalism.


It is important to ensure uniformity of look and feel for a giant social network like LinkedIn, where users can seamlessly switch between desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

LinkedIn was challenged to provide members with a seamless, coherent experience regardless of their device or platform. Users accessing LinkedIn via desktop and mobile browsers on various devices was a concern. Ensuring that the user experience across these diverse platforms remained consistent was important.

LinkedIn chose a proactive, automated solution to this problem by implementing Visual Regression Testing. This testing method involved taking screenshots of important pages and components on the LinkedIn platform using various devices and web browsers.

These screenshots were systematically compared with baseline images to detect unintentional changes made during the development and update processes.

Visual regression testing was integral to LinkedIn’s efforts to maintain a consistent look and feel on all platforms. The testing tool detected issues that would have gone unnoticed if manual review had not been automated. Visual discrepancies such as misaligned elements and inconsistent font styles were detected early in the development cycle.

LinkedIn’s proactive approach allowed it to quickly address and correct any visual issues that may have arisen before they reached the live environment. Early detection simplified the development process and contributed significantly to a consistent, reliable user experience across devices, browsers, and operating systems.


Netflix faced a double challenge. Netflix had to evolve its platform constantly to remain competitive and to deliver new features to a diverse audience. The stability and consistency of the user interface were also important. If not handled carefully, frequent updates could cause unintended visual discrepancies, affecting the platform’s visual consistency and leading to user dissatisfaction.

Netflix has implemented a strategy to tackle this problem head-on: visual regression tests. This method involved comparing the visual appearances of key UI components before and after every update. Netflix detected visual changes during the update or development process by capturing screenshots, utilizing image comparison algorithms, and using image capture.

Netflix’s implementation of visual regression tests has been a game changer. The streaming giant reduced its risk of UI problems with every update by systematically assessing key UI elements. The meticulous approach allowed Netflix to identify unintended changes early in the development process before reaching its vast subscriber base.

Netflix users enjoyed a consistent and smooth user interface despite the constant evolution of the platform. Netflix’s commitment to minimizing the risks of UI problems underscored its dedication to providing millions of users with an uninterrupted and enjoyable stream experience worldwide.

By leveraging automated visual tests, Netflix achieved a balance between innovation, stability, and a smooth streaming experience for millions of users worldwide. This case study is a testament to how visual regression testing can be used to maintain UI consistency and, ultimately, user satisfaction in the dynamic world of online streaming services.

As we delve into the intricacies of ensuring seamless user experiences, it becomes imperative to address the foundational aspects of development, including calculating the expenses for creating mobile applications, a crucial step that complements the real-life examples of resolving UI issues explored in this article.

Visual Regression Testing using LambdaTest

Visual Regression Testing using LambdaTest

LambdaTest is a pioneer of visual regression testing with one click. Smart testing lets you compare images and detect visual deviations in text, layouts, colors, sizes, paddings, and element positions.

With Selenium, Cypress, and multiple languages like Java, Node.js, and C#, you can automate visual testing and deliver visually flawless software applications.

Parallel testing allows for a drastic reduction in test execution times. You can integrate seamlessly with the entire CI/CD technology stack.

LambdaTest Smart UI Cloud (visual regression testing cloud) has other features.

  • Visual testing options include largeImageThreshold (large image threshold), error type, ignore (ignore), transparency, etc.
  • Leverage Webhooks for even more intelligent testing.
  • LambdaTest offers a variety of options to reduce the flakiness of the output from your compressed screenshots.

End Note

Visual Regression Testing is a future-oriented strategy that will help identify and correct UI problems. Creating consistent, visually pleasing, and user-friendly UIs is paramount as digital landscapes evolve.

VRT is a powerful tool that detects subtle issues, enhances design integrity, and maintains cross-platform consistency. It also integrates seamlessly with continuously integrated pipelines to manage frequent updates efficiently.

Early issue detection and the ability to collaborate across diverse teams have a transformative effect on the development cycle. Integrating VRT into workflows is key to building user-centric, resilient, and visually coherent digital experiences as technology advances.