Pansus Ditantang Bongkar Living Plaza

Living Plaza Informa

Panitia Khusus (Pansus) Pencarian Fasilitas Umum (Fasum) dan Fasilitas Sosial (Fasos) Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Makassar, ditantang untuk membongkar bangunan Living Plaza Informa di Jalan AP Pettarani, seperti yang telah dilakukan pansus terhadap bangunan Rumah Sakit(RS) Paramount Hospital. Hal itu dikatakan bos RS Paramount Hospital, Yenni saat pansus melakukan pembongkaran in out atau roling … Read more

Camilo Madrigal Physical Appearance, Age, Birthday, Abilities, Personality, Nationality, Biography 2024

camilo madrigal

Camilo Madrigal is a supporting character from a beloved Disney animated feature film titled Encanto. He is the middle child of Pepa and Felix and the proud “theatre kid” of the Madrigal family. He has an intriguing ability to shapeshift and is one of the most popular characters in the movie. The character of Camilo … Read more